
Ministry of Energy calls for immediate action to boost energy efficiency in public institutions


The Ministry of Energy has issued a circular to central and local public authorities, urging them to implement concrete measures to enhance energy efficiency in public institutions. This call comes in the context of the adoption of the Emergency Declaration for the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova for a period of 60 days starting from December 16. The proposed measures align with decisions made during the Government Commission meeting on preparations for the 2024-2025 heating season and mitigating the impact of the energy crisis.

The Ministry emphasizes the importance of informing the public and involving local administration in the rational management of energy resources, considering the imminent risks to the country’s energy security. Central and local public authorities are urged to urgently implement energy efficiency measures, contributing to a reduction in consumption during peak hours and mitigating other risks caused by the energy crisis.

The Ministry of Energy has provided public authorities with a detailed list of organizational and technical measures, including minimal investments, that can be immediately applied in public institutions to optimize electricity and thermal energy consumption without affecting the comfort of citizens.

Among the measures proposed to reduce electricity consumption are:

  • Using natural light and limiting the use of artificial lighting in accordance with working standards.
  • Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lights, which consume five times less energy.
  • Installing motion sensors for lighting in high-traffic areas.
  • Unplugging chargers once devices are fully charged.
  • Disconnecting electrical appliances from power when not in use to avoid standby consumption.

To reduce thermal energy consumption, the following measures are suggested:

  • Insulating heat distribution pipes and monitoring internal temperatures to reduce heat loss.
  • Using electronic thermostats and thermostatic valves on radiators to optimize heat distribution.
  • Informing and motivating employees to use energy rationally at the workplace by keeping windows and doors closed and turning off energy-consuming devices.

The Minister of Energy also emphasized that energy efficiency is not just a cost-saving measure but a social responsibility. Every public institution, by implementing these simple yet effective measures, can contribute to reducing pressure on the national energy system.

The Ministry of Energy urges all public authorities, regardless of their administrative level, to take immediate action to implement these measures and collaborate to maximize the positive impact on energy savings.


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